Inventors and Patents From the City of Richmond
Inventors and Patents From the City of Richmond
The City of Richmond has been home to many talented innovators. Here are a few notable examples: the Nomadic storable satellite antenna system, Automatically stopping a lawn mower while it is being progressively moved, and Chevron Richmond’s Dr. William F. King Scholarship Program.
Nomadic storable satellite antenna system
A Nomadic storable satellite antenna system is a satellite antenna that can be easily deployed and moved in a short amount of time. The antenna system must be able to be targeted quickly at the appropriate satellite and its movement must be as smooth as possible to ensure proper data transmission. In addition, the antenna system must be able to handle a significant weight without excessive backlash.
In the present invention, the antenna is mounted on a base and is raised by means of an elevation mechanism. This mechanism includes a lift bar (360a) powered by a motor. One end is pivotally connected to the antenna and the other end is pivotally connected to the base (230). The lift bar is connected to a tilt link bar (350a), which pivotally connects to the base (230).
The system starts scanning the sky at the satellite’s elevation and then moves down to scan a smaller area of the sky. Once the system is properly positioned, the user can enter their geographic location by actuating switch 95. These geographic zone numbers are associated with lines in a map of the United States and elevation charts. To access the correct satellite, viewers should enter the zone number that corresponds to their location.
The antenna mount 10 has a rotatable connection 8. The antenna mount 10 can be tilted to pivot the reflector 2 about its axis. In the stowed position, the antenna faces downward. When the antenna is in the deployed position, it faces upward.
The Nomadic storable satellite antenna system can be configured to be positioned at a suitable height for optimal signal reception. Its dome is made of lightweight plastic with a concave inside surface for improved signal strength. The antenna is supported by a stand and a support. Electric stepper motors are used for elevation and azimuth rotation. The elevation motor also periodically reverses its drive to establish a 360 degree search pattern.
The Nomadic storable satellite antenna system can be easily customized to suit the needs of individual users. Its high throughput rates and flexibility make it an ideal choice for businesses with remote offices. It also enables users to use voice and video services over the Internet.
Automatically stopping mowing machine while it is being progressively moved
Automatically stopping a mowing machine while it is being systematically moved may be a good way to avoid accidents on a lawn. This is because a sidestepping mower will not cut into the line of sight, so there is less risk of the spinning blades damaging your body. Additionally, it does not require you to manually stop the machine; you only have to release the bar to stop the machine. Make sure the mower is empty of clippings before you start the process.
Chevron Richmond
The Chevron Richmond Refinery is a 2,900-acre petroleum refinery located on the San Francisco Bay. It is owned by the Chevron Corporation and employs over 1,200 people. It is one of the largest employers in the city of Richmond. The Refinery is the largest private employer in the city.
Chevron Richmond inventors and patents include Benjamin Montgomery, a slave from Virginia, and Lewis Latimer, a man who invented the carbon filament light bulb. Other notable inventors include Otis Boykin, who developed a control unit for an artificial heart pacemaker. Alexander Miles was awarded a patent for an elevator door opener, which was later used for the city’s elevator system. Chevron Richmond employees also recalled the contributions of Albert Murray, who challenged the idea of Black separatism and argued that the Black experience was central to American culture. Another prominent inventor, Althea Gibson, helped break the color barrier in the 1950s.
The Chevron Richmond Technology Center (RTC) has a diverse workforce of almost 1,200, of which 75 percent are Chevron employees. Its scientists have more than 170 Ph.D. degrees and file over 125 patents a year. The RTC employs an international and local mix of individuals, resulting in an excellent mix of skills, experience, and perspectives.
The lawsuit was filed in the city of Richmond, California. It is a protest against Chevron’s alleged culture of abuse, and demands that Chevron change its corporate culture and be accountable. In the meantime, the Richmond city council is suing Chevron over alleged environmental damages resulting from the refinery’s August fire. The lawsuit is a response to this environmental injustice and social stigma that has developed in the city.
The Chevron refinery is one of the biggest industrial complexes in the Bay Area, processing nearly 250,000 barrels of crude oil every day. It is located on 2,900 acres of land and overlooks San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean. The refinery is connected to five thousand miles of pipelines.
Chevron Richmond’s Patent Attorney manages Chevron’s intellectual property portfolio. He leads efforts to identify inventions, helps Chevron inventors prepare their invention disclosures, and advises them on necessary research data for their patentability. He is also responsible for preparing Chevron patent applications and patent litigation briefs.
Chevron Richmond’s Dr. William F. King scholarship program
Chevron Richmond has a scholarship program to support black students who want to pursue an education. The program is part of the company’s commitment to providing quality education and academic gateways to historically underserved students. To apply, students must complete an application packet. The deadline for submission is December 19, 2014. Incomplete packets will not be considered. Winners will be notified the week of February 2, 2015.
The Chevron Richmond Black Employee Network sponsors a college scholarship program to encourage students to pursue higher education. The scholarships are given in honor of Dr. William F. King, a distinguished African American Chemical Engineer and Chevron employee who served his community as a mentor and activist. The scholarships can be used toward tuition at any accredited college or university.
The program also recognizes a student’s scholastic achievement, community involvement, and leadership skills. To apply, students must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or above, be a part of an extracurricular activity, and plan to attend college in the next academic year. Additionally, applicants must include a 500-750 word essay discussing the impact of Black history, the impact of their extracurricular activities on their community, and how they plan to use their educational skills in the community.
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