Inventors and Patents From the City of Orlando
Inventors and Patents From the City of Orlando
The City of Orlando is a fantastic place to patent an invention, and there are many resources for inventors here. This large tourist city is home to many famous theme parks, including Disney World and Sea World, and has a strong economy. Many inventors are drawn to Orlando for these reasons, and their inventions could be extremely valuable.
SET occupations
In the City of Orlando, there are many opportunities for young residents to gain employment. For example, a multi-award-winning arena, the Amway Center, offers part-time, seasonal and full-time opportunities for those interested in working in the entertainment industry. The Amway Center website is updated regularly with new openings, so check in often to see what is available. You can also use the city’s online career resources to submit your resume and take advantage of free resume reviews.
SET occupations are most consistently associated with patenting
Our findings are consistent across several SET occupation categories. For example, SET occupations that are most commonly associated with patenting are those in the information technology (IT) industry, biomedical research, and science and engineering. However, some non-core occupations are also associated with patenting, which makes it harder to draw a direct correlation between patenting and productivity. Moreover, the inclusion of non-core occupations reduces the denominator of the inventive class.
Urban areas have a strong concentration of SET occupations associated with patenting, such as engineers and computer specialists. These occupations are associated with higher patenting rates than rural areas. In rural areas, on the other hand, there is a higher concentration of other occupations.
SET occupations are most consistently associated with patenting in both urban and rural areas
A study of patenting in both rural and urban areas has found that certain SET occupations are consistently associated with patenting. The findings are consistent with the notion that human capital associated with certain occupations is essential for patenting success. The employment of customer service representatives, for example, is highly correlated with patenting. Similarly, the employment of university professors and other professions outside the creative class are highly associated with high patenting rates.
In order to derive the rate of patenting, a population subset must be defined. In this study, the population in each CZ is classified according to its SET occupation. In the 1840s and 1850s, Delaware and Maryland were assigned to the Middle Atlantic region. Afterwards, the District of Columbia is placed in the South region.
In addition, counties that have a high proportion of residents in the creative class tend to generate more patents than rural areas. This suggests that the presence of this group may encourage the invention of new technologies. In the 1990s, the number of patents in metro areas was more than twice that of nonmetro counties. Even if a metro region does not have any universities, it tends to have a higher patent rate than rural counties.
Patents per capita is an often used innovation indicator. But the results for rural areas are not reassuring. SET occupations are associated with patenting in both urban and rural areas. Yet rural areas still perform poorly when measured on patents per capita. A more plausible measure would be based on inventor-disambiguated patenting data. By distinguishing inventor-disambiguated patenting data from non-inventive information, this measure would allow for more meaningful regional comparisons.
While patenting per inventor does not tell us much about the inventiveness of a place, it is an important indicator. The more patents a city generates, the more innovations that region generates. In other words, high-innovation cities are more likely to produce more patents than rural ones.
SET occupations are most consistently associated with patenting in Florida
Patenting has historically been associated with professions outside the creative class. While this isn’t a universal phenomenon, certain occupations are more frequently associated with patenting than others. For example, employment of customer service representatives and employees of headquarters establishments is highly correlated with patenting. Other occupations, such as computer specialists, are less frequently associated with patenting.
The inclusion of non-core occupations might lower the direct relationship between patenting rates and productivity. This would make the denominator more difficult to interpret, as non-core occupations would be difficult to distinguish from core occupations. Further, inclusion of non-core occupations would be arbitrary.
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