Inventors and Patents From the City of Cupertino
Inventors and Patents From the City of Cupertino
Inventors who were U.S. residents at the time of their patent grant are represented. In addition to U.S. states, the database also contains inventors from the District of Columbia and other territories. Inventors are geographically distributed, based on their residency at the time of their grant. The regional tables present the regional components, with their respective annual calendar year counts listed in decreasing order.
PTMT processing results in about 12 percent of inventors being associated with more than one regional component area
The PTMT is a system that matches patents with two or more possible regional component areas. For example, a patent associated with two counties would be counted as one-half, while a patent associated with three counties would be counted as one-third. However, there are some limitations to PTMT methods, which are discussed below.
Although individual inventors only account for about 0.2 percent of the population, they account for the majority of economic growth, and a small group of prolific, high-impact inventors make up this sliver. As a result, the economic growth of a country is dependent on the quality of the inventions produced. Inventions that are fundamental breakthroughs are more valuable than marginal improvements.
A more equitable inventor system is critical for economic growth, because reducing barriers can increase the number of innovators and boost economic growth. Eliminating racial and income disparities in the patenting process could lead to an increase in the number of patents filed by children from poor backgrounds. This potential gain would be larger in states with lower inventor rates than in states with higher levels of innovation. For example, in the South, eliminating income disparities could lead to a dramatic increase in the number of inventions.
Increasing complexity of the invention process might reinforce existing trends, contributing to the emergence of complex systems. At the same time, patent data show that individual productivity of invention is decreasing. This finding implies the need for complex system analysis tools and methods. These are important for understanding the nature of innovation processes and the challenges that can arise. This article aims to identify the main themes that shape the development of innovation today.
Inventors are associated with more than one U.S. state or territory
This association is often referred to as a multi-state patent, and it is a fact that some people are associated with more than one U.S. state or territory. For example, a person who lives in Illinois might be associated with more than one U.S. state or territory, while a person living in South Carolina might be associated with more than one U.S. state.
A new study examines the demographics of American inventors and finds that they tend to be white males from wealthier families. Children from rich families are ten times more likely to become inventors than children from poor families. Furthermore, about 80 percent of inventors over age 40 are male. The authors of the study explore three possible explanations for this demographic disparity, including differences in genetic ability and career preferences, as well as financial and human capital constraints.
This study also indicates that geographic location does influence the probability of becoming an inventor. For example, people living in Boston or Minneapolis are more likely to be associated with a patent for a medical device, while those living in Minnesota or California are more likely to become associated with a patent for computers. The study also found that people who lived with an inventor had a higher chance of obtaining a patent in that subclass.
While PTMT has limitations in identifying unique locations, a set of regional component areas has been developed that reduces the issues. It is also possible that some inventors are associated with more than one U.S. state or territory, but this has not been verified for all inventors. In some cases, this is not a problem. The number of inventors who reside in a single U.S. state or territory is very high, but it is not always the case.
While this drill-down report has some limitations, it can be a helpful tool for evaluating inventor activity in multiple U.S. regional component areas. However, it is important to understand the limitations of this data set before making a decision about whether or not this type of analysis will be beneficial for you. In the end, the drill-down report helps you identify and prioritize inventor activity in the U.S. region.
Identifying inventors and legal applicants is essential for a successful patent application. In some cases, the rights of an inventor are transferred automatically to their employer or university, but this isn’t always the case. If the inventors are in a single country, their patent rights transfer to the state or territory they live in. If the inventors are a single company, it will be difficult to identify the collaboration between the two.
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