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About Us

We are a non profit organization based in Silicon Valley developing software to support inventors and entrepreneurs. Our team has filed thousands of successful patents over the years. We know that the process is complicated and we’ve seen lots of costly mistakes made in the past.

So we put together a team of legal experts, software engineers and user experience professionals and we came up with a suite of patent application software that we are confident will make the process simpler, more accurate and cost effective.

Our strength lies in the combination of detail and tools. We have added a sophisticated level of detail into our software and created much-needed tools to help inventors and entrepreneurs submit quality applications with ease.

We are a non-profit organization – IRS 501(c3)- Our Non Profit Tax ID: 83-0668793


Why Us?

For entrepreneurs, everything begins with an idea. A great idea needs an environment that encourages and incentivizes creators to bring their imaginations to life. Here, intellectual property (IP) protections play a critical role. They give tangible value to ideas and empower people to earn a livelihood off of their creativity. They fuel economic growth, job creation, and access to creative and innovative output. America wrote the book on innovation, yet the US has dropped to 12th place in patent system strength internationally, according to the US Chamber of Commerce. Without strong patent protections, inventors will find it impossible to protect their ideas and they will face even more infringement by big companies and foreign competitors. Already, intellectual property theft impacts nearly half of all American businesses each year.

Inventiv Foundation (“Foundation”) is organized to conduct and distribute research, studies, and analysis relating to innovation and economic issues and to provide tools to aid inventors in enhancing our world through new inventions that are protected by the IP system. The Foundation seeks to focus public debate on solutions to threats to the patent system protecting innovation. The Foundation intends to develop technical solutions such as software as well as policy solutions and proposals to address innovation problems. The research, education, and outreach activities will be aimed toward promoting inventions and the use of the IP system to protect inventions.

The Foundation will concentrate its educational and outreach activities in communities and neighborhoods most directly affected by the patent system, with an emphasis on low- and middle-income, multicultural, and rural communities. Resources will be directed toward grassroots organizations that work principally with these groups.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

How We Help You

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